Övningen är skapad 2020-11-13 av MsLaitasaari. Antal frågor: 16.

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Alla Inga

  • I would have studied Japanese if I ____ (MINULLA OLISI OLLUT) a teacher. HAD HAD
  • If you _____ (OLISIT VOINUT OPISKELLA) anything at all, what would you have studied? COULD HAVE STUDIED
  • ____ you _____ (OLISITKO HARKINNUT) working for animals, their safety and health, if you had been given the opportunity? WOULD YOU HAVE CONSIDERED
  • If you ________ (OLISIT TYÖSKENNELLYT) with animals before, would you have liked it? HAD WORKED
  • ___ you ___ (OLISITKO JATKANUT) studying after lower secondary school, if it had been possible? WOULD YOU HAVE CONTINUED
  • In what subjects ___ you ____ (OLISI SINUN PITÄNYT PARANTAA) in order to be able to get in to the school you want to? SHOULD YOU HAVE IMPROVED
  • If you ______ (OLISIT ALOITTANUT) studying to become a plumber, would you need to know how to fix water lines already? HAD TAKEN UP
  • If you ____ (OLISIT MENNYT) to high school, would you have needed to have perfect studying skills already? HAD GONE
  • If my best friends had left for home at the same time, I _____ (OLISIN LÄHTENYT) with them. WOULD HAVE LEFT
  • If I had practiced playing the saxophone, I ___ (OLISIN RAKASTANUT) giving concerts. WOULD HAVE LOVED
  • If my Mom had taken me, I _____ (OLISIN OLLUT) glad to be able to go play ice hockey in the ice stadium. WOULD HAVE BEEN
  • She ______ (OLISI TUONUT) me earlier already if I had asked her. WOULD HAVE BROUGHT
  • If ice skating had been an occupation, I ________ (OLISIN VALINNUT) to do it for the rest of my life. WOULD HAVE CHOSEN
  • Figuring out my strengths would have been a whole lot easier, if there ___ (OLISI OLLUT) a ready made form or questionnaire to help determine them. HAD BEEN
  • If you had been ambitious enough, you ____ (OLISIT PYRKINYT) building a successful career in your field. WOULD HAVE PURSUED
  • If you had worked hard all your life, you ___ (OLISIT SAANUT) a pension when you retired. WOULD HAVE GOT

Alla Inga

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