1984 ord

Övningen är skapad 2024-10-01 av davidstrbac. Antal frågor: 30.

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Alla Inga

  • Accumulate To collect over time
  • Agony Extreme mental or physical suffering
  • Annihilate To destroy something completely
  • Briskly In a quick way
  • Compulsion A strong feeling of wanting to do something
  • Contrive To arrange a situation or event
  • Deviation To do something differently than what is considered to be normal
  • Drudgery Hard, boring work
  • Emanation The act of producing something
  • Etiolated Pale and weak
  • Exhortation To strongly persuade someone to do something
  • Febrile Extremely active
  • Fulminating Expressing strong and angry criticism
  • Impregnable Something that cannot be entered by force
  • Inconceivable Impossible to imagine
  • Incredulous Not wanting to believe something
  • Indignation Anger about an unfair situation
  • Iniquity A very wrong and unfair action or situation
  • Interminable Continuing for too long
  • Invariably In every case or on all occasions
  • Malignant Evil of nature
  • Niggling Unimportant but demanding one's attention
  • Obeisance Obeying or respecting someone
  • Obsolete Not in use any more, having been replaced
  • Presumably What is likely the situation
  • Ramifications The possible results of an action
  • Scrimmage A short and not very serious fight
  • Tepid Not very warm (liquid)
  • Vague Not clearly expressed
  • Vanquished To defeat completely

Alla Inga

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