17. Tempus (regelbundna verb.)

Övningen är skapad 2023-03-30 av Klempt. Antal frågor: 43.

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Alla Inga

  • I always /lånar/ borrow money from Susan.
  • and Susan always /lånar/ borrows money from me.
  • I /har lånat/ have borrowed money from Susan all my life.
  • Susan /har lånat/ has borrowed money from me.
  • She /lånade/ borrowed 10 dollars from me yesterday.
  • I'm sure she /kommer att låna/ will borrow more money tomorrow.
  • My parents /hade lånat/ had borrowed money from my teacher.
  • My brother always /hjälper/ helps my mother in the kitchen.
  • He told me he /hade hjälpt/ had helped her yesterday.
  • I'm sure they /hjälpte/ helped us last week.
  • My brother /kommer att hjälpa/ will help you tomorrow.
  • My sister /har hjälpt/ has helped my wife.
  • They /har hjälpt/ have helped each other.
  • You and your friend always /hjälper/ help me.
  • They always /frågar/ ask silly questions.
  • My best friend and I always /frågar/ ask many questions.
  • Those two boys /har frågat/ have asked many questions.
  • I think they /kommer att fråga/ will ask more questions.
  • Your brother /frågade/ asked a silly question yesterday.
  • The other pupils say that he /har frågat/ has asked many questions.
  • They told me you /har frågat/ have asked too many questions.
  • They always /hämtar/ collect the letters from the letterbox.
  • They /kommer att hämta/ will collect them tomorrow too.
  • He /hämtar/ collects the letters in the morning.
  • You /hämtar/ collect the letters every morning.
  • This morning my sisters /hämtade/ collected the letters.
  • Mother /har hämtat/ has collected the letters today.
  • My sisters /hade hämtat/ had collected them already.
  • I hope you /har hämtat/ have collected the letters now.
  • Mrs Adams /bor/ lives in Canda now.
  • She /har bott/ has lived in Canada for 5 years,
  • My parents /bodde/ lived in Australia 15 years ago.
  • But now they /har bott/ have lived in Sweden for 5 years.
  • I think we /kommer att bo/ will live in a big house.
  • My name is Lord Nelson and I /bor/ live in Trafalgar Square.
  • They told me that they /hade bott/ had lived in Spain.
  • The teachers always /lyssnar/ listen to the news at 11 o'clock.
  • They /har lyssnat/ have listened for 45 minutes now.
  • They said that you /hade lyssnat/ had listened too.
  • My wife /lyssnar/ listens to the news every morning.
  • We /lyssnade/ listened to his speech, but we didn't like it.
  • I promise I /kommer att lyssna/ will listen to your programme.
  • Mary Brown /har lyssnat/ has listened to all your stories.

Alla Inga

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