The cell (notes)

Övningen är skapad 2018-11-05 av josefiinlarsen. Antal frågor: 67.

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  • What is the nervouse system? The nervouse system is a communication system in the body.
  • What is the main function of the cell? The main function of the cell is to maintain body function.
  • What does many cells make? Tissue.
  • What does many tissues make? Organs.
  • What does many organs make? Organ systems.
  • How does a cell look? It can have different sizes and shapes.
  • What is an organic compound? Chemical compound that contains carbon.
  • What is carbohydrates? Carbohydrates is a organic compound that include sugars, glycogen, starches and cellulose.
  • What are a monosaccharides? Monosaccharides are the building blocks of carbohydrates.
  • What is the function of monosaccharides? The main function of monosaccharides is to serve a source of chemical energy for generating the ATP.
  • What are some examples of monosaccharides? Glucose, fructose, glactose.
  • Name two simple sugars. Monosaccharides and disaccharides.
  • Name one complex carbohydrates. Polysaccharides.
  • What is a disaccharides? Disaccharides are two monosaccharides joined together by a covalent bond.
  • Give examples on disaccharides. Maltose, sucrose, lactose.
  • What does disaccharides do? They can create different types of sugar.
  • What is a polysaccharides? Polysaccharides are carbohydrates containing ten to hundreds of monosaccharides.
  • Where can you find polysaccharides in the body? In the liver and skeletal muscles.
  • What is the main function of the polysaccharides? The main function of the polysaccharides is to store energy.
  • How does the body use the energy from polysaccharides? When energy demand is high the body breaks down the glycogen and when the demand is low the body builds up glycogen.
  • Give examples of polysaccharides. Starches and glycogen.
  • What is the difference between big and small carbohydrates? The bigger the carbohydrate is, the harder it is solve in water.
  • What is a lipid? Lipids are fat.
  • What is neutral fat? Neutral fat is a lipid made of 3 faty acid molecules and 1 glycerol molecule.
  • What is a phospholipids? Phospholipids are the main lipid in the cell membrane.
  • What is a steroid? A steroid is a type of lipid.
  • Give one example of a steroid. Cholesterol.
  • What is protein? Protein is amino acids in long chains?
  • What does the shape of a protein say? The shape of the protein tells what function it has.
  • What is the main task of the protein? The main task for protein is to keep structure of the body cells.
  • What are some other functions of protein? Contraction of muscles, defend against invading microbes and receptors.
  • What is nucleic acid? Nucleic acid is what is found in DNA and RNA.
  • What is cytoplasm? Cytoplasm is found inside the cell and consists of organells and cytosol.
  • What is cytosol? Cytosol is intra cellular liquid.
  • What is organells? Organells is the different parts inside the cell.
  • ICF Intracellular fluid
  • ECF Extracellular fluid
  • What is cytoplasm? Cytoplasm is everything inside the cell except the nucleus.
  • What is cytosol? Is the liquid found inside cells.
  • What is interstitual liquids? All liquid found in the body outside the cell.
  • What is plasma membrane? Plasma membrane is what separates the inside of the cell to the outside.
  • What is cell membrane potential? Cell membrane potential is the difference in electric voltage between the inside and the outside of the cell.
  • What happens when the cell membrane potential changes? The cell changes if the cell membrane potential changes.
  • How does the cell membrane potential change? By adding or taking away something inside the cell. This can only be made with transportation.
  • What kind of transportation is there? Passive transportation and Active transportation.
  • What is passive transportation? Passiv transportation is when the transportation does not need ATP.
  • Give examples of passive transportation? Diffusion, flitration and osmosis.
  • What is active transportation? Active transportation is when ATP is needed.
  • Give examples on active transportation. Solute pumps, exocytosis, endocytosis.
  • What is diffusion? Diffusion is when something goes from high to low concentration.
  • What is filtration? Filtration is when the liquid pressure goes from high to low
  • What is osmosis? Osmosis is close to diffusion and is when H2O is transported.
  • What is solute pumps? Solute pumps is when something goes from high concentration to low concentration.
  • What is exocytosis? Exocytosis is when something is going out from the cell. ICF to ECF.
  • What is endocytosis? Endocytosis is when something goes in to the cell. This is also called cell breathing.
  • What is nucleus? Nucleus is the largest organelle in the cell and contains the DNA.
  • What is ribosomes? Ribosomes is what links proteins together with help from RNA.
  • What kind of endoplasmic reticulum is there? Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
  • What is the golgi apparatus? The golgi apparatus package proteins into vesicles.
  • What is lysosome? Lysosome is the part of the cell that digeste carbohydrates and take up bacteria that is not needed or bad. The organelle contains extreme acid and recognize bacteria.
  • What is mitochondria? Mitochondria is the organelle that produces energy (ATP) in the cell. This is done by cell breathing.
  • What is cytoskeleton? Cytoskeleton is what keeps the shape and structure of the cell.
  • Storage of energy ADP + P + energy <---> ATP
  • What is cellular death? Cellular death is when a cell dies.
  • What kind of cellular death is there? Apoptosis and nekrosis.
  • What is apoptosis? Apoptosis is when the cellular death is programmed. If the cell is not needed it will die. Lack of stimuli is one cause of this.
  • What is nekrosis? Nekrosis is non-programmed cellular death. If there is a lack of substance the cell will die. This can cause inflammation.

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