Bones (notes)

Övningen är skapad 2018-11-05 av josefiinlarsen. Antal frågor: 35.

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  • What connects mucles to bones? Connective tissue connects muscles to bones.
  • What is the different types of bones? Longbone, flatbone, iregular bone and sesamonebone.
  • Give one example of a longbone. Femur.
  • Give one example of a flatbone. Ribs.
  • Give one example of a irregularbone. Vertebrae.
  • Give one example of a sesamoidbone. Kneecap.
  • What is remodeling? Remodeling is when bone cells are broken down and then build up igen.
  • Why is remodeling needed? If remodling is not happening the bones will colapse in 2 years.
  • What is the two stages in remodeling called? Resorption and build-up.
  • What is resorption? When bone cells breaks down to calcium and phosfate.
  • What is build-up? When calcium and phosfate is build up to bone cells.
  • What is the function of the bones? The bones protects out organs, is used as levers, store minerals, contain bone marrow and is used as energy reserve.
  • What parts is included in the longbones? Hyaline cartilage, epiphysis, spongy bones, periosteum and endosteum.
  • What is the hyaline cartilage? The hyaline cartilage is the part of the bone that is found around the ends of a long bone and take pressure well.
  • What is epiphysis? Epiphysis is the rounded end of the long bone. This is separeted from the rest of the bone with help of epiphysis plates.
  • What is spongy bones? Spongy bones are what comes after the epiphysis and contains red bone marrow.
  • What is periosteum? Periosteum is what is around the longbone. This is where you have sensation and it contains pain reseptors.
  • What is endosteum? Endosteum is found inside the bones and contains pain reseptors.
  • What is the structure of the bone? First compact bone that is called osteons and then spongy bones that takes up load and is an irregular shape.
  • What is the extracellular matrix? The extracellular matrix is one of the components of bone.
  • What is extracellular matrix made of? H2O(25%), cologen (25%) and minerals (50%)
  • What is osteon? Osteon is circular parts of the bone that contain blood vessels.
  • What happens in the remodeling of the bone? Ca2+ + phosfate = hydroxiapatite
  • What cells are there in the bone? Osteocyte, osteoblast and osteoclast.
  • What does the osteocyte do? The osteocyte maintains the bone.
  • What does osteoblast do? Osteoblasts build up the bone.
  • What does osteoclasts do? It breaks down the bone.
  • What is special with the osteoclast? It has more nucleus than osteocytes and osteoblasts.
  • cyte metabolism
  • osteo bone
  • blast build up
  • clast break down
  • What hormones affect calcium in the bones? Growth hormone (GH), T3, sexhormones (testosteron, estrogen)
  • What happens if there is no calcium? No calcium leads to no communication in nerves, no coagulation.
  • What stimulates the osteoblast? Hormones and physical activity.

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